Some time has passed since the last repair and the wallpaper is not so fresh, the furniture is not happy as before. So, the hour has come when the apartment requires a change in the interior or a simple cosmetic repair.
Make a drawing
To make repairs at a fast pace and efficiently, you need to draw up a competent plan. To do this, draw a full plan of the apartment with all rooms, window and door openings. The scale should be observed in the plan, indicate the location of sockets, switches and even lamps. If redevelopment is supposed, it is advisable to make 2-3 drawings.
Choose a design
You can change the design of the apartment in the following ways:
1. Invite a professional
2. View publications on the interior of the room
The first way not everyone can afford, since the designer’s services are quite expensive. So, we must cope with ourselves, fantasize, go shopping, see programs regarding new trends in the design and interior of the room.
The most suitable options will help to choose the drawings made, you can easily arrange the furniture, remove excess, or move to another angle.
Choosing a line of interior, you should adhere to several rules and follow them.
• If you like everything new and extraordinary – you need to choose the Avangard style.
• High-tech style contains direct strict lines, nothing superfluous.
• There are various excesses in classical styles: “Baroque”, “Vintage”.
• Fans of wooden floorboards, multi -color in colors, the presence of stone in the situation should choose “country”.
Materials for finishing
To repair the apartment, you need to think over and choose the right materials for finishing. For example, it is worth choosing materials with a detergent effect in the kitchen, as fats accumulate here on the ceiling, floor, walls, curtains. And in the bathroom or bathroom, moisture -resistant finishing materials are needed.
• In the bedroom, it is recommended to paste the wallpaper on the walls pre -aligned and painted.
• In the children’s bedroom, you should use wallpaper, or paint the walls. The laminate on the floor is definitely not suitable, and for the flooring it is better to choose a cork option or linoleum. In any case, for children, use environmentally friendly materials and safe.
• For ceilings, it will be excellent material to hide irregularities and make the room a beautiful and voluminous, hinged ceiling. Various hinged structures can be used to give the placement of originality.
Когда в доме затевается ремонт во всех имеющихся помещениях, то важно соблюдать целостность общего ансамбля. Successful repairs!