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Grounding device in the house

Repair tips

Often, after a few years of life, a house has a need to replace the flooring. Moreover, this can be caused by both functional requirements (for example, wear of linoleum or carpet), and aesthetic considerations.

It is important not to forget to assess the state of the surface of the base. It should be absolutely solid, even and dry. All traces of paint, plaster, mortar crumbs must be removed. Possible cracks, excavations and protrusions are leveled using compounds on a cement basis. It is also necessary to check the moisture content of the floor. To do this is quite simple – it is enough to lay on the base of the floor polyethylene in size of the order of 1 x 1 m. If, after 3-4 hours, condensate did not appear on its lower side, then you can start laying the coating. Otherwise, special drying compounds should be used.

Wood “Pies”

In a house made of whole logs or timber, the floor is often also made wood, for example, planned. For the base, use lags width fifteen – forty mm, which are attached without nails on top of the overlap beams. Lags are made of coniferous wood. They play the role of the stiffness frame and determine the air pad that improves the thermal insulation properties of the overlap. Иногда под отделочный слой пола настилают влагостойкую фанеру шириной более двадцати мм. Attach it to the lags with self -tapping screws.

Bulk floor

The bulk floor device consists in applying a specialized polymer mass on a finished basis (even, dry). It freezes after alignment and forms a smooth coating. It was used until recently in a greater extent in industrial premises, in other words where the extreme stronger coating was required, resistance to electrochemical and mechanical action. But you can use bulk floors in household premises, for example in a garage, a bathhouse or utility rooms.

The occurrence of the ability to perform for such a floor covering at least some sketch, insert decorative elements or perform the backlight allowed to “get” the bulk floors directly into the mansion, using for the base in the hallway, corridor or in the kitchen. But such a floor is expensive, an order of magnitude more expensive is the usual “wet” screed, but it is ready for operation at once.

The strength of the base must correspond to the strength of the poured floor. The base should have a low water absorption (not to be too porous). When pouring, it is important to observe all technical standards. So, the amount of water should strictly correspond to the indicated in the instructions, the work should be carried out as quickly as possible from the far corner of the room to the output.

On a freshly laid floor, you need to go through a special needle roller to release the air that gets there while mixing.

You cannot allow the floor surface to dry out: water is necessary for it to set strength. Accordingly, the room should not be too hot and dry, you should not allow drafts. If the floor is arranged in a hot period, you should moisturize its surface, close with a film, protect from sunlight.