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The insulation of the balcony

The balcony is the protruding part of the house, which is attached with special beams. The loggia, unlike the balcony, has more space, and this is part of the built -in design. The loggia differs from the balcony in the same way in that it has side walls.

If you decide to insulate the balcony with your own hands, then you can do this, but for the start you need to carry out preparatory actions. You need to remove all the things from the balcony so that they do not interfere with insulation. Next, you should replace the windows. If you are satisfied with wooden windows, then you can simply get rid of the old layer of paint, and then apply an antiseptic and cover with several layers of a protective agent. If such windows do not suit you, then you can put metal -plastic windows.

The following is sealing. For this, special sealants or mounting foam are used. Using these funds, the balcony is protected. Sealants are different, but in order to insulate the balcony of the most high quality, you need to use the best materials. At the same time, installation foam is used most often, because it allows you to ensure a high degree of sealing. The use of construction foam is a common event. To carry out any repairs, you will need patience and responsibility. For example, wastewater treatment with vehicle-15 installations is carried out at a high level and in this case you do not have to strain and get bothering.