It is better to effectively warm the walls of the loggia once, using high -quality insulating material than every year on the eve of winter colds to do this. This is especially true for those who want to turn the additional area of the apartment into a useful space, which can be used to the maximum.
And since the loggias in apartments are not heated, it is important to effectively decorate the walls using modern heat -insulating materials. Otherwise, the heater will work at the maximum and warm the street, because the walls without a special finish do not retain heat.
It is important to achieve the thermos effect when warming the loggias. This term is deciphered simply: everything that is inside the balcony should unite in a closed space. This effect is achieved using thermal insulation materials.
And the most popular foam among them. The lightness of these panels allow you not to weight the space of the loggia and not take up a lot of space. And they give an amazing effect. And even in the harsh northern edges of the walls treated with a foam, retain heat from the inside and do not miss cold streams.
Extruded polystyrene foam is called foamyx. It is produced by the Russian company of the same name. Foamenx has an external resemblance to polystyrene, but unlike it has a denser structure and has other characteristics.
It is a smooth slabs with relief, which have ready -made grooves for docking, and is used for standard construction. This heat insulator is most effective and effective to warm the walls of additional rooms.
Apply quite often another modern heat insulator – foam. It includes foamed polyethylene, on the surface of which is applied by the heat welding aluminum foil. Penophol has not only excellent thermal insulation properties. This material is also used when it is necessary to protect the loggias from steam and noise.
In the work of professional masters, the joint use of two modern insulating materials is often found. For example, this company uses two material in its work at the same time, if this is necessary.
The foam is attached to the foam and creates double thermal insulation. This method is energy -saving: the cold does not go inside (does not pass air flows), and heat outward (reflects back). The loggia, insulated in this way, warms up quickly and slowly cools.
Based on materials from Balconservice. .