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How does the business begin?

Nowadays, many successful businessmen and people whose income is not commensurately related to the productivity of their own work, have many projects that require close attention every day, both in the office and at home. To be more effective, it is necessary to learn how to separate the concepts of “perfect” with “productive”. Keys to do it:

1. Complete focus on one specific task – “Focus”.

2. Promising planning.

This is the only way to get the necessary result made in a 24-hour period of time.

To be more productive, you must consciously choose what you want and what you plan to achieve and focus your energy and time on the hard fulfillment of the intended goal. And it is almost the same important to determine which types of activity will not interfere, and distract to focus your energy. Some events and events also contribute to you to bring you closer to your goal, this can be the most appropriate method to focus your attention. Some elements that do not ideally fit into the task must be omitted, so to speak, to get a delegated way of enthusiasm or simply ignore extra elements, at least now. You will need registration of LLC in Moscow.

And, of course, not all, can be brought to perfection, but it should be striving for this. Sometimes “good” is enough and what really is. After you forget about the haircut of the lawn with manicure scissors, the time comes to go to the next stage of development. Of course, there is a banal lack of time to finish everything before perfection. But your developed apparatus of submission will help you with this formality: you can entrust the current task for someone else, to the one who can accept it at the next level of development of your plans.

Of course, your attention should also be the necessary unit of the current productivity plan. Most people can focus on one task only about 15 to 20 minutes. Wash yourself and the installation of a certain fundamental segment base for yourself and open it with a solid focus window. You will be amazed at how quickly you can perform some tasks when you are completely focused on them.

The multitasking seems to be a way of life in our culture, but real productivity is a definite focus, and this is significantly.

As an exercise, try to set emphasis on one or two tasks today. Install the alarm for 15 minutes, and then focus on this task. This focus can allow you to delve into this topic, and not just look at it superficially. Not looking for perfection, you just have to be focused on performance. You will be surprised at how quickly you can complete the task in 15 targeted minutes.

You can also increase performance by planning in advance. For example, get the required amount of time for leisure and sleep in order to be able to focus more effectively the next day. It’s hard to be focused when you feel tired. Even if you reduce your sleep by one hour, it can greatly affect your performance in the next day.

This simple planning step can also improve your performance. For example, if I know that you need to make a presentation the next day, having all my materials in a prepared form, this will help me better get enough sleep and start a report to more rested.

Each thought -out step can have a positive value in improving productive qualities.

When you plan ahead, you will always be ready for the intended task, and your day becomes a magical way more productive.