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Well -insulation: 4 available ways to choose from

In order not to be left in winter without water, it is worth warming up in advance a well. How to warm a well for the winter? This can be done in several ways, each of which will achieve the goal. The choice of the method should be based both on personal preferences and on the availability of materials used.

Warming with a wooden log house. The tree has good heat -insulating properties, and therefore you can insulate the well with this material. Due to the choice of wood, you can vary the cost of the project, which is important with a desire for minimizing costs. For insulation, it is necessary to perform a fainting that is installed on a hard foundation. The structure of the fainting should take into account the deepening of the foundation to the ground level. We fall asleep with crushed stone and fill with concrete, a log house is installed on top.

Suspended ceiling for the well. This option of insulation is one of the simplest and most effective ways to maintain access to water in winter. To prevent the formation of ice crust on well water or even a full -fledged ice traffic jam in the well, it is necessary to make a warm cover. This allows the temperature of the water in the well shaft to remain in the range of 7 ° C and do not freeze. The lid is located at a depth above the level of freezing of the soil.

A fur coat with polystyrene foam. Popenic polystyrene insulation requires the presence of a trench up to one and a half meters in the external period of the well. A polystyrene insert is installed in the trench, the remaining place is poured with sand. Since the heat -insulating material serves without changing its operational properties about 20 years, at the end of this period it will be necessary to dismantle.

Poliuretan foam. Polyurethane foam foam should be filled with a trench around the perimeter of a well below the level of freezing of the earth. All work is carried out in winter at a temperature of -20- -30 ° C, which allows you to save on foam. A dried foam must be protected from ultraviolet rays without fail – this can be done using a layer of paint. When digging a trench, it is necessary to take into account the diameter of the well rings, groundwater level and the level of freezing of the Earth. Insulation of polyurethane foam foam is considered the most budget option and will not take much time for execution.

By choosing one of the indicated methods of insulation of the well, you can purchase the required materials and start work.