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Self -load. Manipulator services

The construction process requires not only investing a huge amount of forces and money, but also the presence of specialized equipment. Very often, having started construction, we need to bring all the building material or take out garbage. Naturally, in our time, this can be called not such a big problem, since specialized transport is sold at almost every step. But whether you need it in the future. If you need a 10 tons self -loading self -loading. Novosibirsk and want to save your money and not think about where to put your acquired equipment in the future, you, of course, can contact a specialized agency that is engaged in the spread of this type of service. This article will talk about what a self -load and manipulator is, and we will also try to find the difference between them.

First, let’s find out what is still such a self-load. So, it is most often called the machine on which the crane is installed. Quite often people make a mistake, calling the manipulator self -loading. The difference between them is that in addition to a crane installation, the manipulator also implies a truck.

Which is better self -loading or manipulator?

Self -loading, it is a universal machine that is used for loading, unloading and transportation of various cargoes weighing no more than ten tons. Very often, with the help of self -loading, cabins, machines and building materials are moved. To date, the automobile market presents a huge assortment of such machines. Most often, it is customary to divide them in this way, say, views depending on the carrying capacity. Self -loaders are available, capable of lifting weight from 3 to 20 tons. In addition to all this, they may differ in a long body, it can be from 4 to 9 meters. The difference may also be present in the width of the body. Self -loaders with a body of 2 to 2.5 meters are made. The height of the body can also be different. To date, a self -loading with sides of about 1.5 meters has been made. In turn, a crane installation may have a carrying capacity of not more than 10 tons, and the height of the arrow does not exceed 18 meters.

In that case, if you take into account all these characteristics, you can hire an excellent somopolor without overpaying money at the same time. As we have already said, a manipulator or self -loader can become indispensable for you not only in the construction process, but also for the transportation of various heavy objects or materials. Today, such a technique is often used for the installation and transportation of advertising shields, various metal structures, etc. D.