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Hello, this article is dedicated to the whole plumbing. Plumbing is an extensive concept that includes a number of technical means related to sewage, heating and so on. There is plumbing in every house, and it occupies a lot of important part in our life. Nevertheless, the problems associated with plumbing come to us after a certain service life, sometimes at all not long. Let us give an example. If there were no pipes, cranes, toilet, shells, batteries … It’s already scary, is it not so? Then we would go to the river to wash, wash, swim, wash dishes, clean things and another. Went to the forest and celebrated our need. Already life seems to be some kind of wild. Therefore, on behalf of all people of the world, I want to thank people who are engaged and take care of us, and our not simple life. But who is repairing this whole Bandur? As it is not strange, such people were called plumbers. Plumbing can be called to the house, and it will install, and will fix it, and stick it, most importantly do not forget to thank him and pay him for his not easy work. The bathroom plumbing is usually made of porcelain and faience, pipe of plastic and aluminum, cranes and so on stainless steel and bronze. Also for plumbing they came up with a bunch of different accessories: valves, filters, mirrors, candlesticks and others. The first toilet was made in 1778 Joseph Braman, but his modern toilet, as we used to see him, was made in 1915. In the store, the toilets are sold for every taste and color, more and more types of toilets are constantly appearing that differ from each other not only by design, but also by technical characteristics. The toilet can be found, both for 2500 rubles and for 15,000 rubles, it again depends on your needs and wishes. In the end, I want to finish this article, some kind of smart saying: “What is the table, such a chair”.