Plastic and metal -plastic pipes are now the most common plumbing equipment. Their advantage over metal pipes is that neither rust nor any other deposits form on the inner surface. At the same time, such pipes are cheaper than metal, light and flexible, are simply mounted. However, they have disadvantages and they have.
Plastic pipes are sensitive to high temperature, especially polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. More resistant to hot water are polypropylene pipes. The fact is that with periodic temperature differences, and therefore expansion and compression, compounds of plastic pipes lose their tightness. Therefore, for a heating system with a boiler or boiler, plastic pipes are better not to use or use polypropylene. Pipe mounts can be bought on MUPRO website.
Metal -plastic pipes are more reliable due to their design. The wall of such a pipe resembles a layer pie – between the two layers of plastic is a layer of aluminum. Such a pipe practically does not change its geometric shape when heated. This is her advantage over the plastic pipe. However, metal -plastic pipes vary in quality. In high -quality metal -plastic pipes, the expansion and compression of plastic and aluminum are thoroughly balanced, which makes the compounds more reliable and durable. Metal -plastic pipes are usually more expensive than plastic, although the scatter in prices is large.
In any case, consultation of a specialist will not hurt.