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Insulation of apartment space

A common phenomenon – with the onset of cold weather, the temperature level in the apartment begins to fall sharply, and in some cases completely goes far beyond the mark 0. There are two solutions to the current problem – connect a huge number of heating devices, or make elementary apartment renovation with your own hands.

This method will practically not affect the interior of the apartment and the family budget. As you know, the cause of the low temperature in the rooms is cold air entering the cracks in the window frames. In order to repair window frames, you need: sandwich – panels, standard tape, paper (thin).

The design of apartments sometimes carries cardinal solutions. However, this method will not affect it in any way. Even if you carry out the repair of a one -room apartment, the owner may encounter the problem of replacing old windows with double -glazed windows, but do not panic. It is enough to take any of the listed materials, turn it tightly and insert it into the gap of the window frame, and glue the tape in several layers on top.

This measure will reduce the flow of cold air into the apartment well, and the repair can be safely transferred to a more favorable time. In order for the design of the apartment to not stand out with glued tape on the windows, you can paint this place in the appropriate color.

Elimination of cracks in the house

Another cause of temperature reduction is the gaps between the slabs in the panel house. To eliminate cracks, you can contact firms that, using industrial mountaineering, will seal. You can make such an apartment repair with your own hands, but the opportunity is limited to the 2-3rd floor of the location.

Insulation repairs

Having an angular location, the insulation repair of a one -room apartment will take a little less time. Will have to warm the walls with the so -called sandwich – panels. When using such panels, the interior of the apartments does not change, since they are attached only on the outer walls of the living space. It is allowed to fasten the panels on the outside of the apartment, but here you can not do without the help of construction companies that can perform such a task.

The costs in this case will be quite large, however, as practice shows, this is the most effective way to insulate an apartment located on the upper floors of the building. The thickness of the sandwich panels can reach 25 centimeters, so it will be more expediently determined in advance with the option of their placement, since, when warming from the inside, the area of ​​the space is significantly reduced.