Installation of the toilet
It is not always possible to call the master to install the toilet home home. And if there are a couple of male free hands at home, then you can provide this important event to them – both the savings and the man is pleased that it came in handy.
So, let’s proceed to the step-by-step explanation of the upcoming stages of work-almost a master class called the connection of the toilet to the sewage system.
Before us is the toilet in the form in which it was provided to us by the manufacturer, that is, in almost a disassembled. Since many different details are attached to the main element. We hope that you have taken care of the complete completeness of the toilet at the purchase stage, and now you will also need such tools as a punch with drill, passatizhi and wrench keys, plus a pencil and roulette.
When the place of installation of the toilet is determined, fix it with the marks with a pencil, drill holes and insert plastic plugs. Then the connecting part of the toilet is attached to the sewage system, namely the corrugation. Turning to the next stage of work, you need to attach the screws that you were given together with the toilet, to the screws screwed into the floor. This is necessary so that the toilet stood well and does not shift from the place.
Now we proceed directly to the connection with the sewer. Pour some water into the toilet and check if it flows to the floor. If there are no leaks, then the corrugation is installed hermetically.
If the toilet kit did not include a hose for supplying water to the drain tank, then you need to take care in advance about its purchase. Pay attention to the incoming toilet thread so that you do not have to interrupt the process of installing the toilet and wait for you to exchange your hose for the right.
When collecting a drain tank, connect the drain and bulk valves, monitor the attached instructions. There is nothing complicated, but it is necessary to ensure that when tightening the screws, ceramic coating is not damaged. Then collect the structure into a single whole. Now you can safely fix the seat of the toilet.