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Elimination of cracks on the ceiling

At the joints of plates made of concrete, on the ceiling of the room, cracks may appear over time. Even worse, the situation in buildings with wood ceilings, the ceilings of the rooms in which are covered with a plaster layer and gypsum plasterboard ceilings. How to close the cracks in the ceiling of the room so that they do not form again – get permission for the air conditioning?

Tools, materials:

Fiberglass ceiling wallpaper “Thin web”

wallpaper adhesive composition

rubber gloves


A very hard brush

water-dispersion-based paint for the primer


Smill -grained skin

water -based paint for painting


The ceiling surface, well-prepared for staining (defects are closed, cracks are sealed with a fiberglass, tanned, and also treated with sandpaper), is primed with adhesive composition for wallpaper diluted by 20-30% with water.

After completely drying to the ceiling of the room, we apply a layer of the adhesive composition of a suitable concentration with a painting roller.

The canvases of the “cobwebs” glue the joint into the joint and, accordingly, weaked with a metal stiff brush.

Glue the ceiling of the room with water-dispersion paint diluted by 10-30% with water. (A very accurate correspondence of the paint and, in addition, the water is incredibly indicated, since the colors of various brands are differently differentiated by density).

After the primitive composition is completely dried, we put up the seams, small surface defects, polish them with a thin -grained emery

We paint the ceiling of the room with water -based paint.

Note to an experienced master:

In obsolete buildings with wood and use, thin web may also be missing. In these cases, they advise complete gluttoning the ceiling surface with a plastering fiberglass with a cell of 2 x 2 millimeters. The net is putty, polished, primed with diluted adhesive composition for wallpaper and, accordingly, is glued with a thin spider. This “layer pie” will guarantee the permissible maximum degree of protection against the exit of the elevation to the ceiling surface.