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DIY door insulation, sound insulation of input and interior doors

The modern construction of residential and public buildings cannot do without insulation and sound insulation. If you pay attention to individual parts of the structure, you can notice how these works are completed. They only end on structures bordering on the external environment. But the entrance doors remain unprotected. This is easy to fix, but here you need to know the basics of door insulation.

DIY door insulation

If we consider the possible heat loss of the input opening, then the following points should be noted:

Heat loss of the entrance doors occur through the cracks between the door leaf and the door box.

The plane of the doorway itself is a heat exchanger between the air from the street and the air in the room.

Standard door insulation implies the seal of the slots of the opening and preventing the heat exchange of the door surface.

The first is performed by the device of special rubberized gaskets around the entire perimeter of the box. They are sold in construction stores and are flexible stripes of rectangular or oval section, with an adhesive base. They are glued in such a way that when closing the door leaf, the maximum seal of the through slots is provided.

Prevention of heat transfer from the door leaf is performed by the door upholstery by materials with increased porosity. It should be noted that the insulation of the front door is performed when there is no door filler or the door leaf itself is made of metal or wood in a single -layer version.

The insulation of the iron door is performed with the preliminary application of the anti -corrosion layer. It can be a primer based on a snare, or powder paints.

Warming of a wooden door requires staining the door leaf, followed by enameled polymer paints. This is necessary to prevent the spoilage of wood with insects and possible condensation formations.

Types of insulated doors:

Metal doors without sound insulation. Insulation of a metal door, without a sound insulation device, makes it possible to get rid of drafts and lower the volume of closing the opening.

Entrance metal doors. Insulation of the entrance metal door is performed in two cases: restoration of factory gaskets or installing an additional soundproof row.

Wooden doors of the entrance groups. Insulation of the wooden door by the method of the device of rubberized gaskets is performed in case of deformation of the plane of the door leaf, or its replacement.

Sound insulation of the doors

The sound insulation of the doors is performed by forming a plane in the opening of a plane, consisting of an increased porosity material. The entrance doors are made with the built -in soundproofing system. But, for the most part, these are only bright phrases of the seller. To extinguish the sound wave, it is required to apply one or more principles of suppression of oscillations:

Reflection of sound vibrations. Used when soundproofing interior doors is performed. A metal foil is used with a soft base, the tension plane of which does not contact the doorway.

Sound wave absorption. Standard doors with sound insulation contain a layer of mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam, with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm. But for the complete extinction of the sound fluctuations of the household spectrum, the device of an additional insulation layer is required, 5 – 7 cm thick.

Dispersion of vibrations from sound waves. The principle of the double -glazed window. When a discharged environment is between the two planes, the sound vibrations are scattered in it, due to the extinction of the wavelength. Sound insulation of the entrance door from glass is a vivid example of this principle.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the video lesson (video instruction) for insulation of the front door with your own hands:

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Warming the front door and its sound insulation is an important complex of measures that helps to increase the level of comfort and saving energy resources to heating the room.