As a child, dreaming of a country house, we imagine something comfortable, comfortable and to goosebumps-native. Bettering older, we begin to seriously think about how to make a house that we have chosen – a worthy nest in which the whole family would love to spend weekends and holidays, gathering together and sharing their joyful mood. A place where you could escape from the bustle of the bustle and dusty streets, a place called the cottage ..
When arranging such a family corner, each owner tries to take into account all possible situations and force majeure in advance, while doing everything possible to make unpleasant surprises as little as possible. Take at least the sewer system of your cottage, you must agree, leaving with your family to relax for a weekend, you are unlikely to want to escape with the broken or clogged pipe of your sewage. In order to avoid such situations that deliver a lot of trouble and inconvenience, experienced summer residents install autonomous sewer systems in their areas. And in the modern world, an autonomous sewage system for a summer residence has become a kind of salvation, allowing people to enjoy life and pastime.
Such a station pays off for several years after its installation, it is not demanding in operation and for its use do not need to connect to city wastewater disposal networks. Residents of country houses that have already established such systems note that they began to feel much better, the reason for this they most often call the environmental friendliness of such systems. Indeed, in the process of processing sewage sewage, no unpleasant odors are distinguished, which can not be said about ordinary sewage, and they do not have to breathe in pairs of rot and rotten. The only components of them at the exit from the system are purified water and silt, and the hostesses immediately find the use of both the second component. They use water for the arrangement and watering of the garden, and silt – for its top dressing.
The purification of water in the system most often occurs due to living microorganisms – self -healing bacteria, they destroy impurities in the liquid coming to them, so that only two components are obtained at the exit. Such a septic tank in a private house will protect a family from not past guests in the form of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and will become the key to her healthy future.
It is also interesting in such a system that it can be “preserved” for a certain period of time during which it will not be in demand. This is a significant savings if your system is installed in a country house, in which you yourself are only in the summer.
Summing up, I would like to say that the autonomous sewer system has become a worthy example of the benefits of human labor and technological progress aimed at providing people with comfortable living conditions.